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- News | Rawlinson & Hunter LLP
Keep up to date with all the latest news releases from the Rawlinson & Hunter UK office. Budget briefing, Tax pulse editions, new staff title appointments and much more. NEWS
REGISTERED OFFICES United Kingdom London Rawlinson & Hunter LLP Eighth Floor 6 New Street Square New Fetter Lane London, EC4A 3AQ United Kingdom Leatherhead Rawlinson & Hunter LLP Q3, The Square Randalls Way Leatherhead, KT22 7TW United Kingdom
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- Art World | Rawlinson & Hunter LLP
Rawlinson & Hunter has been at the forefront of the provision of tax and accounting advice to the art world since our formation almost ninety years ago. We act for leading artists, galleries and dealers on their underlying businesses and specific transactions. ART WORLD Rawlinson & Hunter has been at the forefront of the provision of tax and accounting advice to the art world since our formation almost ninety years ago. We act for leading artists, galleries and dealers on their underlying businesses and specific transactions. Many of our private clients are also avid collectors and we advise them regularly on transactional practicalities. We provide intelligent, well thought out and practical advice on the financial aspects of art transactions. Our unrivalled experience in advising on complex issues, often involving a number of jurisdictions with their associated tax implications, has given us a unique understanding of the requirements of those at the business end of the art world, as well as collectors. Our services for clients typically cover the structuring of trusts and other holding vehicles for the acquisition and long term ownership of art, along with IT support for the creation and maintenance of complex art (and other asset) databases for businesses and also individual collectors. We provide tax advice on international cross-border aspects of art related transactions including, amongst other things, complex VAT analysis, personal tax considerations for non-domiciled individuals and transfer pricing issues for international gallery groups. We also provide VAT and ARR mitigation advice relating to the purchase/ sale of works of art both within the EU and outside the EU. This is all in addition to the important routine work such as accounting and tax compliance support for art-related businesses, ranging from full day-to-day involvement in management accounting, payroll and VAT services through to the annual audit and corporate tax process. Our experience has shown that having an in-depth knowledge of the UK and EU VAT rules relating to art, and an understanding of our clients’ affairs, assists in tailoring transactions to meet the needs of each client. Fundamentally however, whilst art is increasingly seen as an ‘asset class’, it is principally there to be enjoyed and we never lose sight of this in providing our pragmatic advice. We have more information on this service available through our dedicated micro-site here . Our Specialists
- Trusts | Rawlinson & Hunter LLP
Trusts frequently feature as an important part of a family’s inter-generational wealth and succession planning, for many diverse reasons. Fundamentally, they can be used to preserve capital and provide an income stream for current and future generations of a family. TRUSTS Trusts frequently feature as an important part of a family’s inter-generational wealth and succession planning, for many diverse reasons. Fundamentally, they can be used to preserve capital and provide an income stream for current and future generations of a family. The tax treatment of trusts can be complex. UK resident trusts are subject to income tax and CGT in their own right and many are subject to Inheritance Tax every 10 years. Trustees are also required to enter information about the trust, its terms, its assets, its settlor and beneficiaries on a trust register. Administering a trust in the UK has considerable responsibilities associated with it. Some of these are compliance and reporting responsibilities such as the bookkeeping of transactions, the preparation of accounts for the trust, the preparation of trust tax returns, ensuring that entries on the trust register are properly updated and that any regulatory disclosures are made accurately and on a timely basis. Other requirements are less routine. Trustees need careful guidance in making decisions about trust assets and the trust fund itself, especially where they are required to exercise their discretion in making distributions of income and capital to beneficiaries, making loans etc. A professional understanding of trust law and trustee responsibilities is crucial. This is why we often act as trustee alongside our clients, where trusts form part of their family succession planning. We prefer to do this through our trust corporation, The R&H Trust Co (UK) Ltd, since this offers flexibility (most of our private client partners are also directors of the trust corporation) and continuity, since the problems and costs encountered when replacing or appointing a trustee on the retirement or death of an individual are avoided. Our partners are experienced in dealing sensitively with the demands of a trustee’s role. They are used to dealing with the demands of multiple jurisdictions and the complex regulatory, tax and reporting requirements involved. They actively seek solutions tailored to ensure that, while the trust assets are preserved and can grow, the beneficiaries’ interests are maintained. They understand that full accountability and efficient administration are essential, coupled with an ability to deal sensitively with beneficiaries at every stage in life. Our highly experienced trust team handles all aspects of trustee accounting and administration, as well as dealing with the accounting and administration of estates and charities. The team also offers a range of services to Family Offices, including the ground-breaking wealth reporting offering. Our Specialists
- Property Tax | Rawlinson & Hunter LLP
Property transactions are complicated and costly for clients. There are many different taxes and fees involved throughout all stages of a property’s life cycle. It is essential for clients to seek advice to limit their tax liability and ensure they pay no more than the correct amount. PROPERTY TAX Property transactions are complicated and costly for clients. There are many different taxes and fees involved throughout all stages of a property’s life cycle. From Stamp Duty Land Tax (“SDLT”) and VAT on purchase, to the Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (“ATED”) during ownership, and Capital Gains Tax (“CGT”) or corporation tax (“CT”) on disposal, it is essential for clients to seek advice to limit their tax liability and ensure they pay no more than the correct amount. At Rawlinson & Hunter we use our experience and expertise to tailor our advice to our clients, whether individuals or companies. We are experts with extensive knowledge of property-related taxes, and the know-how to reduce the tax liabilities faced during a property’s life cycle. We deal with all of our clients’ tax filing and reporting requirements (including SDL:T and ATED) and guide them through the processes of paying and limiting their tax liabilities. We advise on all issues relating to property taxation, including advice on the best way to structure the acquisition of property, advice on the tax treatment of debt finance, advice on maximising tax deductions and reliefs available such as capital allowances, advice on the VAT implications of property transactions for businesses and advice on the sale of properties. We also have extensive experience in dealing with the compliance aspects of ATED for clients who hold property through companies, including preparation and submission of annual ATED returns, successfully dealing with enquiries from HMRC, and advising clients on bringing their ATED compliance up to date where there has been prior non-compliance, including successful negotiations with HMRC to mitigate the ATED charges where possible, and minimising the level of interest and penalties levied by HMRC. We also specialise in providing detailed SDLT advice and practical guidance to clients and their advisers on complex property transactions including multiple completions, multiple purchasers, mixed residential and non-residential purchases, and a variety of substantial residential and commercial lease transactions Our Specialists
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- LEGAL | United Kingdom
LEGAL Rawlinson & Hunter International is a grouping of independent firms with members throughout the world. It is not a legal entity in its own right and does not offer professional services in its own name. Each independent member of Rawlinson & Hunter International is a separate firm. These firms are not members of one international partnership or group, or otherwise necessarily legal partners or members with each other, nor is any one firm responsible for the services or activities of any other. Firms in certain jurisdictions offer services through a partnership structure or through the medium of limited liability vehicles, or both, depending on the nature of services offered. The partners and directors of each of the firms within the Rawlinson & Hunter grouping pride themselves on the shared ethos and quality of advice given across the Rawlinson & Hunter grouping. As a result, use is made throughout this website of the expressions “our” and “we” in reference to the service provided by each of the Rawlinson & Hunter firms. This should not be construed as Rawlinson & Hunter International existing as a single entity. Although the firms carry the same name, there is no common ownership among the firms of Rawlinson & Hunter International. The London office conducts its business in the UK through Rawlinson & Hunter LLP, a UK limited liability partnership. Rawlinson & Hunter, a UK general partnership with partners who are also the members of Rawlinson & Hunter LLP, holds a minority financial interest in each of the overseas Rawlinson & Hunter firms, except for the Australia and New Zealand firms. This website is designed for the information of readers. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, information contained on the site may not be comprehensive and readers should not act upon it without seeking professional advice. The application and impact of the laws can vary widely from case to case, based upon the specific or unique facts involved. Accordingly, the information in this site is not intended to serve as legal, accounting, financial or tax advice. Users are encouraged to consult with professional advisers at their local Rawlinson & Hunter International office for advice concerning specific matters before making any decision. A list of legal partners and directors of that office can only be obtained from that office and nothing in this website shall imply that any other persons mentioned herein are partners or members of that office.
- Tax Compliance | Rawlinson & Hunter LLP
Many of our clients have complicated tax-reporting needs. Some of them have significant and diverse investment assets both in the UK and overseas, sometimes held through foreign investment structures which are not set up for UK tax reporting. TAX COMPLIANCE It is absolutely essential, now more so than ever, that individuals and companies with complex tax affairs file accurate annual tax returns with HMRC. The cost of getting it wrong has never been higher. Many of our clients have complicated tax-reporting needs. Some of them have significant and diverse investment assets both in the UK and overseas, sometimes held through foreign investment structures which are not set up for UK tax reporting. Other clients have complex remuneration reporting involving options, vesting share arrangements and restricted stock units where there might be international considerations. Many of our clients are entrepreneurs with businesses which also bring intricate tax filing challenges. Just as tax reporting has become more demanding, there has been a much closer concentration of effort by HMRC on the tax affairs of wealthy UK tax payers and their companies. HMRC’s investigative capabilities have been greatly enhanced by the volume of information provided to them by both institutions in the UK and by other countries under automatic exchange of information agreements. At the same time, the tax law has been changed to give HMRC a greater length of time to investigate foreign aspects of a taxpayer’s affairs and impose significantly greater penalties for reporting failures. Thoroughness and a rigorous approach are therefore paramount in the preparation of our clients’ tax returns. We generally operate a ‘triple-lock’ approach whereby the tax return is prepared by a professionally qualified junior, reviewed carefully by a manager and is then subjected to a final high level review by the partner. In that way, we seek to reduce the risk of inaccuracies and omissions. Our Specialists
- Our Core Values | Rawlinson & Hunter LLP
At Rawlinson & Hunter LLP, we try to meet effectively the needs of our clients and the wider communities by rigorously following our core values. OUR CORE VALUES At Rawlinson & Hunter, we try to meet effectively the needs of our clients and the wider communities by rigorously following our core values, which are: A Commitment To Our Clients: ensuring we put exceptional hands-on client service at the heart of what we do and that we always go the extra mile for our clients. A Commitment To Technical Excellence: ensuring that we provide the highest quality technical advice in a conservative, sensible and ethical manner, and that we are recognised as leading experts in our field. A Commitment To Independence: ensuring that we maintain independence of mind by coming to our own views without fear or favour, and that we are unafraid to tell it how it is. A Commitment To Each Other: embracing and respecting our differences, whilst ensuring that we work together as a team to achieve goals and putting these goals before self-interest. A Commitment To Our People: ensuring that we create an environment where staff are fairly rewarded for their contribution, where open, honest feedback is given, and where everyone has the opportunity to achieve their potential. A Commitment To Our Communities: ensuring that we contribute positively to society by offering a necessary business service, by operating in sympathy with our environment, and through charitable giving and philanthropic policies. A Commitment To Change and Challenge : recognising that our ability to consult and advise one another is a vital advantage in the face of fast evolving and increasingly complex client needs. We attract a high calibre of people to work for us – self-starting, diverse individuals who can be trained to work on their own initiative, supporting the partners in developing client relationships built on trust. We provide full study support and a training programme to equip our people with the necessary technical, team and inter-personal skills. We provide excellent facilities as well as a range of social activities which encourage close working relationships across the London and Leatherhead offices. We encourage and support career advancement, with the international offices providing further scope for secondments and progression. Many of the Firm’s current partners joined the Firm in junior positions. For further information about a career with the Firm and current opportunities, visit the Career section of the website TAX
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- US Taxes | Rawlinson & Hunter LLP
Several years ago we created our own team of ‘dualhandlers’ with the necessary technical expertise to deal with both UK and US tax filings. Led by two partners, the team has flourished and has a strong presence in the Firm’s overall private client offering, representing our clients with both HMRC and the IRS . US TAXES Several years ago we created our own team of ‘dualhandlers’ with the necessary technical expertise to deal with both UK and US tax filings. Led by two partners, the team has flourished and has a strong presence in the Firm’s overall private client offering, representing our clients with both HMRC (as agents) and the IRS (as enrolled agents). We now deal with many clients with UK and US, or just US, tax exposure. While many of them are US citizens or Green Card holders living in the UK, we also deal with US individuals living in third countries, US based individuals with international assets and non-US individuals who have a US tax footprint because they have US situated property or receive US income. Getting the tax filing correct in both countries is the first step. If we are dealing with a US individual who is resident in the UK, the priority is to ensure that the tax payable across the two jurisdictions is not higher than it needs to be. This requires our team to have an enhanced understanding of the remittance basis of taxation where the client is not domiciled in the UK, and full familiarity with the operation of the UK/US Double Tax Treaty. Another crucial point is to ensure that available tax credits are created at the right time, utilised in the right direction and not wasted. We can also deal with other US tax reporting, including Foreign Bank Account Reporting and the reporting of trust interests. But the compliance work is really just the tip of the iceberg. Pre-planning is highly recommended since there are so many mismatches of tax treatment in areas such as investment products and vehicles, charitable donations and the timing of income and gain recognition (to name but a few) which can increase the global tax burden for such clients, unless care is taken. We can also advise on UK and US anti-avoidance provisions, the interaction between US Estate and Gift Tax and UK Inheritance Tax, the treatment of trust interests in both jurisdictions, the tax treatment of pensions and the classification of business entities to list just a few of the areas of expertise which we have. Our Specialists
- Valuations | Rawlinson & Hunter LLP
We have a number of Partners and Directors who are experienced in valuation work. They are members of the Valuation Special Interests Group of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, and they draw upon many years of in-depth experience, including work as Independent Experts for court proceedings. VALUATIONS There are many reasons why it may be necessary to value a business, or shares in a company conducting a business. There may be commercial reasons for the valuation, or family reasons such as divorce, or tax reasons such as on the making of a gift. There may be Inheritance Tax reasons, including death (with the business interest falling into an estate) or a ten year anniversary charge within a trust. It may be necessary to agree a valuation of shares with HMRC for the purposes of issuing employee shares. All of these situations, and many more, may require a valuation to be performed. In most cases involving valuations relevant to a tax situation, it will then be necessary to negotiate and agree the valuation with HMRC. We have a number of Partners and Directors who are experienced in valuation work. They are members of the Valuation Special Interests Group of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, and they draw upon many years of in-depth experience, including work as Independent Experts for court proceedings. Whilst there are several recognised valuation methodologies for businesses in different sectors, the correct approach is likely also to be influenced by the size of the shareholding or business interest. Valuing a business is not a precise science and it is necessary to consider each situation with an open mind in order to identify the relevant factors. With a commercial valuation, our experts will work closely with management to fully understand how the business operates, identifying the issues which influence income streams and capital growth. With tax valuations, it is often necessary to consider generally available financial data and consider quoted company comparators operating in the same sectors. Whatever the reason for the valuation, we recognise that the process can be a sensitive issue. We bring a commercial and cost-effective approach to these assignments, quickly considering our clients’ key issues and the appropriate valuation methodologies to apply in order to arrive at an independent valuation. Where the valuation is driven by tax, we will stand behind our conclusions and negotiate hard with HMRC in our clients’ interests. Our Specialists
- CSR | Rawlinson & Hunter LLP
As a leader in the accountancy world, we are committed to ethical and sustainable business practices, and we recognise that we have a social responsibility to our employees, clients, communities and the environment. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY As a leader in the accountancy world, we are committed to ethical and sustainable business practices, and we recognise that we have a social responsibility to our employees, clients, communities and the environment. Some of our community support activities are detailed here. Pro-bono work We typically donate in excess of £200,000 of pro bono services per annum to good causes including charities, education providers and hospitals. And it is not just the giving of time and expertise. Through our Give as you earn scheme, staff can make regular donations to causes they care about, straight from their pay. Support in the community We help support up-and-coming artists by displaying their works at our London office, and by holding an annual reception for potential buyers, clients and the artists, who are on-hand to present their works. The works are curated by the Ingram Collection , which supports emerging artists through its Young Contemporary Talent Programme. Rawlinson & Hunter is delighted to sponsor one of the highlights of this programme – the annual Purchase Prize exhibition. One of our core values is a Commitment to Our Communities. As part of this, we have volunteering groups in our London and Leatherhead offices run at a local level by staff, supported by the Partners. Each year, staff can spend a day taking part in a team-based volunteering activity supporting a local charity Charitable fundraising Over the years, staff and Partners have raised tens of thousands of pounds for a variety of good causes and charities. Currently, the Firm is supporting two charities. The Royal Marsden is the staff nominated charity, and Artis is the charity that the Partners have chosen. Throughout the year, fundraising activities are held to support each of the charities from sponsored walks to bake sales. The Firm will often match donations raised by staff, ensuring each of the charities can do that little bit more. Sustainability We are committed to sustainability and have introduced a number of initiatives including: All waste separated and recycled where possible Electricity supplied from renewable sources Motion activated lighting in both offices VRF air conditioning incorporating a heat recovery system 100% fresh air system Paperless working Cycle-to-work scheme Car benefit scheme to lease a new electric car Gender Pay Gap report We are committed to equality of opportunity for all members of staff and are proud that this is reflected positively in our Gender Pay Gap report . Our mean gender pay gap figures are below the national averages reported by the ONS and this is partly due to more women than men working in senior roles within the Firm.
- Our Probate Accreditation | Rawlinson & Hunter LLP
OUR PROBATE ACCREDITATION Time and fees The time taken to complete the work required to deal with an estate will vary significantly depending on a number of factors. On this basis it is not possible to provide a general price for the work. We charge on the basis of the complexity of the work and time taken to resolve issues. For an understanding of the scope of work that we undertake and the possible costs associated with this please see “Illustrations”. It is also difficult to provide a timetable for the provision of probate services and the ultimate completion of the associated work, as there are many factors that can affect the process. We strive to co-ordinate with executors and keep them informed of progress on a regular basis so that they are aware of the status of each case. Illustrations Illustration 1 Assisting executors with Inheritance Tax compliance and filing for probate. We have acted for estates where there is a liability to Inheritance Tax and the assets are both easy to identify and to value (for example, listed investments and bank accounts). The will is straightforward, with only a handful of beneficiaries. We notified the relevant parties of death and requested probate valuations of the assets. Preparation and filing of the IHT Account (Form IHT400 and supporting schedules). Preparing the probate application on behalf of the executors. The executors dealt with the administration but we assisted them by opening a client account to collect in the assets and make distributions. We also provided them with support to sell listed investments. Total fees between £2,500 and £7,500 (including VAT) Illustration 2 Acting on behalf of executors. We often get asked to provide a full service of all matters in connection with the estate. Identifying assets, notifying third parties and collating valuations on behalf of the executors (including liaison with other professional parties, for example surveyors, auctioneers, directors of private companies and solicitors). Inheritance Tax compliance and applying for Probate (either on behalf of the executors or under a power of attorney). Administering and collecting in the estate assets. Provision of full client account services for the executors. Selling assets, payment of professional fees and other estate expenses. Making distributions to beneficiaries. Registering the estate for income and capital gains tax and filing all necessary tax returns. Providing beneficiaries with R185 forms. Preparing interim and final estate accounts. Total fees between £10,000 and £25,000 (including VAT) Illustration 3 Acting on behalf of executors (complex estates). We have acted for complex estates with property in multiple jurisdictions. The valuation of estate assets is not straightforward and issues have arisen in respect of the probate application (non-contentious). Identifying the assets and obtaining valuations. Where required, we have prepared valuations of unquoted shareholdings and considered complex issues with regard to business / agricultural property reliefs. We have dealt with complex domicile issues and achieved favourable outcomes for our clients. Obtaining probate in overseas jurisdictions. This most often requires us to engage professionals in foreign jurisdictions and liaise with them to obtain probate locally. Where required, we have also engaged with other overseas professionals, for example estate agents, to market and sell property. We have good professional contacts in many overseas jurisdictions. Dealing with high value, and sometimes unusual assets (for example, arranging collection of personal possessions stored in safety deposit boxes). Applying for probate and dealing with other complex matters which have arisen (for example, obtaining additional affidavits where a will was not fully executed or where the probate registry raised doubt over the testators capacity to execute the will. We had to trace witnesses and obtain further affidavits from them to secure probate). Fully administering the estate assets, estate accounting and filing of estate tax returns. Total fees between £25,000 and £50,000 (including VAT) Regulatory Licensed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales to carry out the reserved legal activity of non-contentious probate in England and Wales. Details of our probate accreditation can be viewed at icaew.com/probate under reference number OC403503. Rawlinson & Hunter LLP recognises the benefits of, and is committed to, equality in the workplace. We monitor diversity within our workforce and take action where possible to ensure that we can attract, retain and develop the best people, regardless of their background. Our most recent survey is available from Emma Knight, HR Director (emma.knight@rawlinson–hunter.com ) Compensation Scheme In the unlikely event that we cannot meet our liabilities to you, you may be able to seek a grant from ICAEW’s Compensation Scheme. Generally, applications for a grant must be made to ICAEW within 12 months of the time you become aware, or reasonably ought to have been aware of the loss. Further information about the scheme, and the circumstances in which grants may be made, is available on ICAEW’s website: www.icaew.com/probate . Complaints We always seek to provide clients with the highest levels of service. If you would like to talk to us about how we could improve our probate service to you, or if you are unhappy with the service you are receiving, please let us know by contacting the Head of Legal Practice /probate contact partner, Toby Crooks. We will consider carefully any complaint that you may make about our probate services as soon as we receive it and do all we can to explain the position to you. If we do not answer your complaint to your satisfaction or you are unhappy with our response, you may of course take up the matter up with our Senior Partner, our professional body (ICAEW), and the Legal Ombudsman. Complaints to the Legal Ombudsman should be made within six years of the act or omission or within three years of you becoming aware of the issue, and in either case within six months of our written response to your complaint to us. The contact details for the Legal Ombudsman are: Letter: Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ, Email: enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk Telephone: 0300 555 0333.
- Our History | Rawlinson & Hunter LLP
To understand the Firm’s core values today and how they became inculcated into its DNA, one has to look back to its origins in 1933 and all that has happened since. OUR HISTORY To understand the Firm’s core values today and how they became inculcated into its DNA, one has to look back to its origins in 1933 and all that has happened since. The Firm has been shaped not just by events themselves but by the choices made in response to those events by the rich tapestry of individuals who have served the Firm as partners over the years. Rawlinson & Hunter is rather unusual as an accountancy Firm dedicated largely to services to private clients, many of whom have been as unusual, eccentric and exceptional as the partners of the Firm. The Firm’s rather individual history, from the early careers of its two founding partners up to the start of the first Coronavirus lockdown, has been recorded in detail in a private publication authored by partner Andrew Shilling, ‘Rawlinson & Hunter 1919-2019 – Taking the Road Less Travelled’. If you would like a copy, let us know. In the meantime, we hope that you find this interesting as historical background to the Firm. The Firm was established in London in 1933 by Alfred Rawlinson and Robert Hunter. They were chalk and cheese. Hunter, who was a forceful and assertive character and a first class tennis player, dealt with the administration of the Firm and took most of the decisions, while Rawlinson was a quiet, gentle and unassuming personality who took no exercise as a result of injuries sustained in the 1914-18 war. Yet they found that they could work together very well and the practice flourished. In the early days of the practice, the Firm dealt with a combination of international corporate work for cases such as Nestlé together with a smattering of personal tax cases. In 1934, Felix Chivers, who had won the tax prize in the Institute’s exams, was recruited to the Firm. He became a partner in 1941 and served as partner for 30 years. It was Chivers, rather than Rawlinson or Hunter, who was responsible for the Firm’s orientation towards private client work for wealthy individuals. He began to advise in depth on Estate Duty and attracted many influential new clients to the Firm. This type of work led him to become involved in family trusts and trust work, which became an important part of the Firm’s service offering, as it remains today. He was by all accounts a real character who was very closely and intimately concerned with the affairs of his clients. On one occasion he was left babysitting a client’s young child and on another, he was responsible for arranging the repatriation from abroad of the body of a deceased client. The Firm offers a ‘partner-led’ service, and Chivers was perhaps the first proponent for this style of client relationship. During the Second World War, working conditions in London became difficult. Hunter recounts; ‘We had hardly any staff left, and those we had were all arriving late or leaving early because of the threat of bombing. So I set out to find a refuge outside of London, and found an old house, Masons Farm, with 13 rooms in a small beautiful village in Oxfordshire. My family were installed there and the rest of the house was used as our offices.’ We consider this to be an early example of working from home, 80 years ahead of its time. A few members of staff continued to work in the Firm’s office in Aldwych, which survived intact in spite of damage caused by a V-1 flying bomb attack on 30 June 1944. As the Firm emerged from WWII, it began to look beyond Britain’s shores for business opportunities. A client asked the Firm to deal with the accounting affairs for his hotel in Bermuda. Work permits were obtained to enable staff to spend all year there, which led to the establishment of the Bermuda office in 1963. The partners continued to look for expansion opportunities and future senior partner, Peter Hetherington, spearheaded the establishment of the Jersey office in 1972 after his biggest client moved there to escape Chancellor Roy Jenkins’ imposition of a 136% tax rate on investment income exceeding £15,000 (the highest tax rate in British history!). The Firm’s entrepreneurial spirit was demonstrated with the opening of offices in Cayman, BVI, Guernsey, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia and, in 2013, in Singapore. This brought a significant number of international clients to the Firm and many of the London Firm’s clients to this day are individuals with overseas aspects to their tax affairs. Partners are encouraged to develop clients in sectors where they have a personal specialism or interest, and the Firm currently has a number of clients in the art world, motor sport and private equity, to name but a few. Rawlinson & Hunter is a Firm which is rich in history, a history which has shaped not just what we do but the core values which we apply in doing it. We are all, partners and staff, proud of the Firm, its independence, our clients and the quality of the service which we offer.
- PRIVACY | United Kingdom
PRIVACY The only personal data that this website can collect is if you choose to send us an email using one of the email addresses listed on the site. This email address will only be used to correspond with you. If you have any concerns or questions about the data that we collect and use for the client services we are providing then please contact the partner or director who provides the service to you. Privacy Notice
- Family Office | Rawlinson & Hunter LLP
We can advise on the establishment of a family office in order to centralise administration, streamline decision making and enable the family to run its affairs along business lines. We can assist in deciding on appropriate governance of the office. FAMILY OFFICE Some of our clients are family groupings who have complex financial affairs which require a significant degree of administration and support. It is common for such clients to manage their affairs using a family office. In practice, many of the private client services which Rawlinson & Hunter offers are delivered via the family office, so we are experienced in liaising both with the office personnel and with other professionals involved with the client, whether lawyers, bankers, investment managers or others. This has led to an enhanced understanding of the family office, how it operates and what it needs, putting us in a prime position not just to advise the family office in a range of different ways but also to advise the clients on the structure and operation of the family office itself. For instance, we can advise on the establishment of a family office in order to centralise administration, streamline decision making and enable the family to run its affairs along business lines. We can assist in deciding on appropriate governance of the office. Indeed, partners of Rawlinson & Hunter sometimes sit on the family council or advisory group. We tend to take a pragmatic approach, designing a structure and processes which will operate smoothly. Once the office is operational, the Firm can deliver a wide range of private client services to the family via the family office. We can provide cash flow forecasting ahead of a purchase and provide financial material for a fee negotiation. We can assist with the selection processes for new service providers and provide full support on IT and HR matters. We can monitor projects and steer them towards the required end result, track costs and assess delivery against a service agreement. We can assist with the financial education of the next generation of the family and liaise with other professional advisers. We are also fortunate to be in a position where our clients trust us to see the full picture. Where a client chooses not to have a family office, there are also a number of services which the Firm can offer which are of a nature which a family office would provide. Our experience is such that we can advise on the establishment of the client’s family offices, support the family office with a multiplicity of services and even act as the client’s family office. More information on this service is available here Our Specialists
- Our People | Rawlinson & Hunter LLP
Our strength lies in our people whose expertise and commitment enable us to provide a top quality pro-active tailored service in every office. OUR PEOPLE Search Our strength lies in our people whose expertise and commitment enable us to provide a top quality pro-active tailored service in every office. TAX By forename... Select person... By surname... Select person... By expertise... Select expertise... Reset Filters
- 500 | United Kingdom
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- Transaction Support | Rawlinson & Hunter LLP
We act for publicly quoted and private companies, as well as entrepreneurs and shareholders, to offer an extensive range of transactional and advisory services. Successful businesses are constantly growing, changing and expanding, whether organically or by acquisition. TRANSACTION SUPPORT We act for publicly quoted and private companies, as well as entrepreneurs and shareholders, to offer an extensive range of transactional and advisory services. Successful businesses are constantly growing, changing and expanding, whether organically or by acquisition. Our bespoke approach provides timely and succinct reports to directors, shareholders and finance providers and has given us a reputation for delivering real value at a cost effective price. We offer comprehensive advice on how to structure transactions tax efficiently, such as acquisitions, disposals, restructuring, mergers, demergers, reconstructions and IPOs. We also have a great deal of expertise in obtaining clearance from HM Revenue & Customs for transactions where appropriate. Buying and selling a business or part of a business can prove a huge distraction to the investors, targets and the management team. This tension inevitably distracts focus from the day to day operations. Our multi-disciplinary team of experienced partners and staff can ease some of this burden while ensuring that a calm eye is kept on the financial and commercial opportunities which these changes inevitably bring. The areas where we typically might provide support include transaction advice and support, acquisition and disposal related tax and VAT advice, pre-disposal health checks, financial and tax due diligence (for vendor or buyer), exit route planning for investors, management buy-outs and buy-ins, key employee retention and incentivisation and succession planning. Our approach to all transactional due diligence work is to ensure that our partners and senior staff fully participate in the project, ensuring that our subsequent advice focuses on the key issues that we see facing the transaction and is provided by those with sufficient experience to give such advice. Our Specialists