UK VAT legislation has become extremely complex and Brexit has not in any way simplified this.
Almost every business transaction has a VAT effect. Keeping pace with developments in VAT is therefore essential to avoid unnecessary errors which can lead to overpaying or underpaying VAT, resulting in exposure to significant HMRC penalties. Active VAT planning is essential for any proposed transaction. Rawlinson & Hunter provides advice on the most VAT efficient way to structure a transaction, be it an acquisition, a disposal, a reorganisation or a property deal. We will help you avoid the potential pitfalls and ensure the necessary steps are taken to minimise the VAT liability.
Our aim is to provide commercially realistic advice and practical solutions to your VAT problems. We also encourage businesses to think about VAT planning as part of their overall corporate strategy. Our services include performing VAT ‘Health Checks’ to conduct a review of your business, which can result in useful planning tips. We provide practical interpretations of new and existing VAT legislation and offer VAT planning for specific transactions. Where the circumstances arise, we provide full support during a VAT inspection and negotiate and resolve disputes with HMRC.
We often assist clients when setting up new ventures. Other common areas of advice for us include international transactions, imports and exports, financial services and land and property. With our wealthy private client base, we also advise frequently on luxury assets such as works of art, aircraft and yachts.
Our VAT team has extensive experience of all areas of VAT, obtained over many years both within HMRC and in private practice. Our specialists regularly ensure that our clients comply with their VAT obligations whilst also maximising VAT opportunities to ensure VAT savings wherever possible.